26 September 2023

Over the past several days I’ve had some critter encounters. First up, I had had the thought of, “wow, I haven’t seen any deer in a long time. Wonder if I’ll see any,” and THE VERY NEXT DAY one crossed the road in front of me. So far with these appearances, I’ve been extremely lucky (THANK YOU, WHOEVER) in that I had space and time to slow down and let them cross, and it was the same this time. One of these days I’m gonna go around with black crown stickers and decorate all these fucking deer-crossing signs to look like the Baratheon sigil. It’ll be a laugh. But anyway, so there was that, and then not long after (same day? next day?) I saw two squirrels cross the road and the one behind was much smaller than the one in front. Baby squirrel panicked a bit when it got almost all the way across, paused, had me going “OH, SQUIRRELIE! BE CAREFUL!” for a sec, then turned around and booked it back across the road in the direction it had come from. Fortunately, the traffic coming in the other direction also saw it and so there was no carnage. And let’s see… a couple times, it’s been rabbits. Thanks to Shel Silverstein, I tend to go nutty and screech “RUNNY BABBIT!” but one of the sightings was in a customer’s front yard and I’d have looked like an asshole. And there was a puppy once, speaking of customers; I asked this one if I could say hi to her and he was fine with it, so I got to pet a puppy. (I also got extra in my tip afterwards. Going by puppy’s opinion of me?) And then yesterday on one of my last runs, someone had what looked suspiciously like a pit bull or something in that category but I’m pretty sure doggo wasn’t even a year old yet — young, anyway, and still impulsive. It was okay. Tried to pet him anyhow.

I am down to crunch time with the rent and had a bad day today. I must pay my phone bill; that’s not optional. No phone, no Uber Eats, no work, no more money coming in. So that’s going to hit tomorrow. I’m going to need to have long days for the rest of the week and I’m still not sure how that’s going to go because I have to get gas too. Also food, but I’ve done the get really cheap food thing before and it turned out okay. I may feel like shit by Sunday, but I’ll feel like shit with a roof over my head. Beats the alternative.

(Honestly, no one’s notified me that I’m kicked out of the Salvation Army program yet, so I have a feeling that if I needed to ask for help, I could. But we’ll see.)

Weird one-sided back discomfort is still going on. And here’s an extra wrinkle: it may not be my back. I will not get into the gory details but I suspect internal-organ involvement. Best case scenario is it really is kidney stones and the pain just moves weirdly. Or that my fibroids are getting creative. Anything else really doesn’t bear thinking about. Although I am not panicking. If I get cancer, I’ve fucking got cancer; even with health insurance my options would be extremely limited, and I don’t even have that right now. I screwed myself good and proper quitting Quantum. It is what it is. I don’t know why I prioritize mental/emotional peace over, say, being able to put money into savings and not having to take it right back out again, but here we are. Anyway, I could literally have all the money in the world and I still might not give a shit. At this point the question becomes what the fuck am I living for, exactly. I haven’t acted on that solely out of fear that I’d somehow fuck it up or somehow miraculously (or not so miraculously ’cause I fucked it up) survive. If I go through that door I want it to be one-way and immediately shut, the end. That might not happen, so here I be. But if I got cancer then that’s gonna get me eventually. I might not like it, but on the bright side I’ll have a right to the good drugs and I might be able to make something definitive and final happen then.

Or, I’m entertaining worst-case scenarios because I’m an asshole, this won’t be anything, I’ll end up fine, and life will get better eventually.

Either way. I don’t really fucking care.

Meanwhile, because I’m seeing signs I need it, I finally got some magnesium again. Best part? It was part of a buy-one-get-one-free sale.

I have been having problems with a certain gig temp app for over a year now. Final straw, I thought, was the app asking for my I-9 and other documentation again. Assholes, my citizenship status has not changed in a year and a half. Jesus Christ. I wouldn’t be so annoyed but they want someone to witness the documents. I suppose I could ask my landlady, but I would rather not bother her overmuch and anyway, it’s the principle of the thing. But! I got an email from them in the past day or two about how they’ve updated the app a lot and it should be working properly now. I dunno, but at some point very soon I’ll reinstall it. If it’s working, I am not going to grab shifts right away. I want to go through Shark Week again first, then we’ll see. If I can start doing things regularly there, I’ll be able to make plans to move out of here. I might have to move out of here anyway, but I’ll have more choices at that point, potentially. I do worry that I will not measure up to what they want done at a fast enough speed, but I figure I can just ride the situation til I get thrown off. I’ve already fucked up everything I possibly could in my life. I might as well go for broke. Wait, I am broke. Past broke. There.

(Odd to label myself “broke” when I’ve got $725 in the savings account, but I need another $275 and somehow to score that whilst paying for gas and food. Fuck? So, yeah. Broke.)

I have things I can make and do to earn extra but then I get home and don’t want to do anything. I suspect most of the problem is a complete lack of confidence that any of it would even sell. I suspect that lack of confidence is not misplaced. No one cares what I do unless I piss them off. (And then they wonder why I appear to be negative in order to seek attention. Well maybe fucking notice I’m alive when I’m NOT being an asshole and we might fucking get somewhere. I’d prefer that. How about it?) And everyone’s become even bigger assholes since the pandemic began. But I guess I will see how things go. I need to pare down some more in any case and I’ve got a bunch of shit that might sell well now with the holidays coming on. We’ll see.

You can’t have my Rory stuff yet, though don’t think I’m not tempted. I do have an extra copy of Hot Fuzz to unload, but aside from that.

Okay. I need to sleep. Gotta be up earlyish again.

P.S. Never heard back from the hospital. Probably never will. I suppose it was worth a shot.

19 September 2023

Had the phone call with Hospital today. I half suspected it was just going to be some kind of screening preliminary thing. I was right. HR lady and I vibed, though, which is what happened with the Quantum interview so maybe this might go somewhere. I guess we will just have to see. I will say this: I’m not optimistic. How many times have I thought an interview went well or at least not badly only to be ghosted or told no? This will just be the next time. I can see it coming all too clearly.

I am not bothering being angry at myself for quitting Quantum because that place was not good for me. It should have been, and certainly the money and benefits were decent, but I cannot be in a situation where three months in I still feel like I don’t know my own ass from a hole in the ground. Some people like that. I’m not some people. I’m just me people. I don’t have to like it. I just have to accept it.

Was going to go out delivering, but felt crappy for a while. I am not sure what’s going on there. I could list off this whole litany of possible candidate-conditions, but there’s no point, is there. Even if I had health insurance I’d make myself broke; that urgent-care visit for my nose cost me $125 when I was covered on the co-pay plan. Ouch. I will say I suspect possibly some residual shit from having COVID a year ago and also possibly some kind of gallbladder problem. (I fit the demographic pretty much to a T.) But it could also be simple nerves, or it could be that tomorrow is the two-year anniversary of me basically abandoning my daughter, and I haven’t heard from her in probably most of one. I normally deal fine with being by myself but the past two years I’ve felt alone to a level I’ve never felt it before. I honestly do not know why I am still here.

But, no point whinging about it. I have to drive tomorrow and I have to push myself to get the rent money ASAP, just so it’s not held off til the last minute. I also need to get ahead so I can figure out my final month here. In this apartment, I mean. Though hell, for all I know it could be my final month entirely. Life’s a crap shoot. Emphasis on “crap.”

I may go to the movies soon. I rolled my eyes at the thought of seeing Barbie, but enough women with generally feminist inclinations have come back praising it that I’m somewhat willing to give it a shot. I’m not a lemming and I don’t need people to tell me what to watch but I am not going to pay movie-theater prices for something that’s just going to piss me off. As it is, I’ll likely hit the 1pm show because that’s matinee prices at the theater I mean to visit. Thirty percent off. Fine by me. I’m aware of the choo-choo pretending to be Dr. Barbie in the film, but I also know his back story and that he was only pity casting and it’s a very short appearance. Egotistical fuckface. Easily overlooked. I just want a diversion. I’ve been watching Red Dwarf on Tubi and laughing at it — Matt had the entire series not including the new episodes and I had only ever half paid attention but now I actually want to see it — but actually Going Somewhere would be nice. I’ve done it before. I wouldn’t have been able to see Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on opening day in 1999 if I hadn’t gone alone because my fucking “friends” didn’t bother trying to include me. And that’s when things were still good. This is how much I’m worth. But I don’t mind taking me to movies. I’m good company. That’s fine.

A note in case this comes back up later: My back’s weird today for some reason. It’s weird anyway first thing in the morning because I’m pretty sure memory-foam mattresses are terrible for it, but this is just one-sided and well after I’ve been up and about, because usually it’s both sides and it works its way out as I go through my morning stuff and move around some. I sometimes wonder about my kidneys just because of what Dad’s been through. So, one more concern. My consolation in that case is that end-stage renal disease is a trigger condition for Medicare coverage no matter how old you are, so at least that won’t send me to the poorhouse any worse than I already am. But I’d like to not have to do that, if the universe doesn’t mind. Kidney disease sucks. Period.

Okay. Bedtime. I need to get my ass up to have time to make a good lunch run with delivery. Just do. If I can clear $75 I’ll be pretty happy. About that, anyway.

18 September 2023

Heard back from Prospective Hospital Employer today via email and they will be calling me at 2pm or so tomorrow. Trying not to get too excited. One, it’s only a little over $16 an hour and I’ll be struggling to get in my final rent payment (November), possibly my final two (October and November) if they want me to start this month. It’s a full-time job and I’ll still have to deliver until I start getting paid; I doubt they have DailyPay. Two, there’s no guarantee I’ll even get the job. This was a shot in the dark because geographically the job makes sense; if I move back to Clintonville, it’s the same zip code and also, the whole thing will be accessible by city bus. Logistically, once I have my foot in the door at a hospital, I could in theory work my way up, too. I was thinking something like unit secretary or patient access representative. There are training things you can do from home to improve your chances of getting those. Hospitals usually have good benefits, too, though I am not sure I will take advantage of those right away. I think I’d need to be earning at least $18 an hour and not be living in a place that costs an arm and a leg. I’m going to try doing the VA health plan first and paying for my own dental and vision and it’ll be cheaper than whatever they’re offering there. If I get to $18 an hour and can keep an inexpensive apartment, it’ll be my ballgame. Assuming that isn’t ten years from now. Good lord.

If that doesn’t happen, well, we’ll see. I have a few places I can consult to try to get something seasonal with weekly pay. Anything like that will pay more than sixteen-whatever an hour, too. It just won’t last past January. Hypothetical Prospective Landlord doesn’t have to know that, though. Also, alternatively, I might be able to renew my lease for six more months. I am so fucking tired of people being fucking flaky. Then they want to shit all over me for being flaky. I’m like… excuse you? You all outnumber me. If none of you are going to get your shit together, there is no call to be expecting that from me, either. I’ll be over here waiting for y’all to get the fuck over yourselves. God. I hated military life and now I hate civilian life with equal fervor. I would like a happy fucking medium, please.

Got dishes washed. You would think I’d be more on top of that. I only have enough for four place settings. Oh, well… it still hasn’t gotten as bad as Matt’s place at its worst. And Matt has a fucking dishwasher. Machine. Dishwashing machine. So, even less excuse.

Still no word about the electric bill. Elizabeth had mentioned something about not being sure if she had my email address, but she does have my phone number. Wouldn’t have taken two seconds to text me about it. So this is June, July, and August now, and we’re more than halfway through September. It’s not unreasonable to assume the bill’s been about $200 a month. You know, even if she hadn’t started making noises about wanting to house family in this apartment again at some point in the future, this after telling me I could renew here, I’d be looking for an escape hatch. I do like it here, but I don’t like uncertainty at all. I can tolerate a certain amount, but if it seems like it’s going to fuck me up the ass when I’m not looking, no thank you.

The mail situation hasn’t been great either. She did give me what was ostensibly the mailbox key but it doesn’t seem to work. I’m going to try again tomorrow when I take the trash and recycling down the hill, just to make sure I didn’t have some weird brain glitch. If it really doesn’t work then I need to say something, but I don’t particularly want to talk to her until I have job news. If I do get the job, I’m getting a fucking P.O. box in Clintonville again. That’ll solve that problem. I am tired of it. I can’t get all my mail there, but I can get most of it.

I need to make jewelry. I’ve had some ideas and I keep flaking. (See above.) Having alternative income sources would be very helpful right now. Same goes for drawing. I am not my own best friend. That needs to change, NOW.

Magic lighter

I just saw a Facebook post that reminded me of this. I used to own a magic lighter.

It was a green Bic, and I’ve never been a smoker but I’ve been an incense aficionado pretty much my whole adult life. I could not now tell you when I actually purchased said Bic, but I’m pretty sure I was still married at the time, which would place that somewhere between 1995 and 1999. Also I got it right before Bic started childproofing all their lighters.

That sucka lasted… God… I don’t even know how long. I was using it the whole time, too. I am pretty sure my daughter existed in the world by the time it ran out of fuel, and she was born in late 2004. Matt knew about it, let’s put it that way. We used to joke about my magic lighter with the everlasting fuel.

By the time it died we were living in the house he bought. I wound up replacing it with two other Bics. Childproofed, natch, though by then no one was in any danger from them — Thea doesn’t seem to have had the firebug phase that her Uncle Doug had as a child.

I really would rather have a Zippo, but I’ve held off. I want a cool one.

17 September 2023

Had a nasty migraine today. They never seem to be as painful as I’ve heard other people complain about theirs being (I’ve had a couple humdingers in my time but generally, I mean) but the fact of being in “just enough” pain for hours and hours, plus the other symptoms one gets with a migraine, just saps away at you. I’m still not okay, just better. In the early hours of this I was all “WTF?” and then saw someone on Facebook querying about their East Coast friends and my brain went “oh, a hurricane” and I was even more disgusted. I don’t always feel those, but I feel them quite often. Could do without, honestly.

Checked back at some point with Uber from yesterday and my last couple runs were nice surprises, both topping up their tips and one in a big way, so I had around thirty bucks sitting there waiting for me that I hadn’t had available to insta-deposit last night. The week was still shitty, but that was because I skipped a day because my guts were doing weird shit, including the weird shits. Not sure what that was about. If I’d had that extra day and had started yesterday earlier instead of at close to 4pm, I probably would have hit the $400 benchmark. As it is, I’m at gold pro status until the end of next month now. It doesn’t take long to rack up points on the weekends.

I have been redoing my home page and arranging things better. Now it’s all in front of my stupid face and I have to work on it, don’t I, or else it looks stupid all linking to empty websites. I haven’t added Gynepedia there yet, but I will soon, and I need to start working on that too. I’m wondering, actually, whether I might not be better served making that my work-from-home thing (which I would do in addition to an actual job, though hopefully only on a temporary basis) rather than trying to learn a whole new skill when I’ve already got plenty of skills, just nowhere to direct them. As it is, I will need to learn some new things to be able to build Gynepedia to its full potential. I want to do some of the cool shit Wikipedia does on their own front page. Those features aren’t native to MediaWiki, so I would need to learn how to build them. But, one step at a time. If I can at least get the stupid thing functional and start making it useful, that’ll be a good start. Finally. After literal decades wishing for it.

(There’s a similar thing someone else is doing called “Feminist Wiki” but [a] I came up with my idea first, in the late nineties; [b] that site’s run by a man; and [c] I do not intend to make my wiki feminism-themed, though feminism will be included since obviously it’s a women’s thing. I want the wiki to be representative of women from all walks of life, not just the ones currently favored by Western academics with an axe to grind. Half those fuckers don’t know what a woman is anymore, anyway.)

God, I’m exhausted. Fuck if I know why. Didn’t do shit all day.

Reba’s still at it, liking my Facebook posts. Jesus fuck, woman, I’ve tried to add you as a friend how many times now.

I once ran across some instructions on how to make sloe gin from dried sloes. Big man makes sloe gin and I was like, well, I’ve heard of this but had no idea what it was, wonder what it tastes like? Can’t get the fresh ones so this is my other option. Can also make it sugar-free, which I need to be moving more in the direction of anyway. I’m mentioning this because I wanted to make a note to myself to maybe try it soon. It’ll depend on how much a decent gin costs. I know a couple places to go look. That’s not likely going to be a thing I can do until after I move, but it might be nice to have for later. I forget how long it takes to do its thing and become fully flavored.

I also want to get a camera. Despite all the stupid emotional baggage attached to my DSLR, I cried when I sold it. The camera on my phone is hot garbage and even though I intend to replace the phone, I just want something I don’t need to be attached to my phone for general photography purposes. Doesn’t seem to matter how many megapixels a phone camera’s got, anyway, because the photos still turn out weirdly flat. Bit like the old film point-and-shoots. Disappointing. Someday I’ll have a DSLR again but in the meantime I’d like something in between in terms of photo quality. In the meantime, I should play more with my film SLR. Though I’m not sure what quality photos it will turn out at this point. It could use a refurb. I may be able to get that done here in town. I know where to ask. Though, as long as it will keep taking photos, I’ll content myself with that. A refurb’s going to be pricey. Might even cost as much as the stupid camera I’m wanting to buy. Because of course it would.

Dog barking again. What on earth? Is between 10 and 11pm just their Going Potty For The Night time? I forgot dogs have to do that. It’s been a while. For all I know, that’s Ghost barking at a rabbit. He does that.

16 September 2023

Today, Uber Eats seemed determined to place me in Delaware* as much as humanly possible. It was a little weird being back in my short-term temporary homeless stomping grounds. One of my delivery customers was just a few blocks away from the shelter.

I’ve been thinking for months that I’d like to stop by both the state trooper station where my trooper probably is stationed and also the veteran services office in downtown Delaware to say hi and thank you to people in person. I didn’t want to do it until I had something solid to report and, well, I keep kicking my own supports out from under me so things are never going to be perfect and I might as well just get my ass up there soon. Probably will take something nice for them. Might even bake it myself.

Dogs are barking like nuts right now. It’s after 10:30pm. I just heard the landlord yelling at them, so my first thought’s probably not it — he seems probably as okay as he ever is under these circumstances. Who knows what it is, then. It’s not me. That’s all I know.

Reba liked one of my Facebook posts again today and Doug is now following me on Instagram. This is all well and good, y’all, but where the fuck were you when I was homeless? Being happy I’m not staying in your house. Camper, in Doug’s case, last I heard. And why is Reba glad I’m not staying with her? Because I don’t do things exactly the same way she does them. This isn’t even like me living with the troll who never cleaned unless he had someone to impress and who constantly smelled bad. This is just minor differences that get blown up into World War Three. So believe me, I’m glad neither of them bothered with me but still, the “love” and “concern” are a tad hypocritical now. They could have at least said, “hey, we see the difficulty you’re going through and we’re thinking about you.” Hell, Doug could have sent me some fucking money. HOW many hundreds of dollars has he essentially stolen from me now? Pay up, fucker. I’m gonna let him stew for a bit and then make him unfollow me again. Someday, he might even get the hint. He’s a tad thick, though. Not holding my breath.

[edit] I forgot, Reba called me while I was in the homeless shelter. Like, we literally had a whole hours-long conversation with me pacing around the kitchen. She never came out and said “I see you’re homeless,” though. She probably knew, but she didn’t come out and say so. I had to tell her. The only reason I think she probably already knew is she almost never calls anymore, so for her to finally come out and attempt it when I was at my lowest is suspicious timing, to say the least. I guess that counts for something. Even if it was still her acting like we were talking about nothing more consequential than the weather.

Still expects me to see her as my real mom, too.

What can you do.

*Delaware town, the county seat of Delaware County, in Ohio. Not the state of Delaware. I’ve confused people with this before. Charming little town. Sometimes I think about actually moving there.

15 September 2023

It is taking everything I have to not announce it on social media, but today while I was out and about delivering food to people who don’t tip enough, I got an email from the hospital system where I applied to be a janitor (sorry: “environmental services associate”). Took one look at the subject line and thought, “Nah, they’ll tell me they filled all the positions or I am not a good fit.” Well, guess what. They want to call me next week. So I’ve sent them my phone number and availability.

I’m a little confused, in retrospect, about how they didn’t have my phone number when I’m pretty sure it’s on the résumé I uploaded buttttt… whatever. Them fucking off with details could be a bad thing or it could be a good thing. We’ll just have to wait and see.

I put in a good day on the delivering. Fridays are always a little weird because you would expect people to order a lot, and you can get some good orders in if you are lucky enough to catch pizza or sushi requests, but it’s kind of a toss-up. But I kept going for long enough I should have pulled in about $80ish for the day when the tips catch up. Meanwhile having to deal with app glitches. If this job does happen it’ll be not a moment too soon. I want to be able to quit doing this and I want a new phone. (Uber Eats isn’t the only app it’s been chewing up and spitting out sideways. Grumble.)

Well, I might want to quit this. We’ll see if I can manage to keep doing it on Saturdays at least. It doesn’t take long to rack up 100 “pro” points and that’s all I need to keep being eligible for free tuition. Of course then I’d have to deliver that one day a week, work forty hours at my regular job, and also study? Eh… I dunno. Maybe not such a great idea.

Anyway. It’s a Merge Dragons! special game weekend again and all I ever do is repeat myself and I’m sure it’s boring. Lemme go do that and eat some more pizza. Let this feel like an actual Friday for once.

14 September 2023

So I have done some delivering this week, after spending a month depressed and not wanting to do anything. And that was stupid, by the way. I had a decent amount of money in reserve and if I had just started driving, I’d have been able to save some more money up and I’d have been better off. This is a longstanding pattern and it worries me. Or I should say, there is one part of me that stands around worried at my general behavior and another part of me that just wants to die, but hasn’t got the guts to follow through with it, so behaves self-destructively instead because no one gives a shit what happens to me anyway. I actually verbalized to myself yesterday, for the first time ever, that if I could guarantee I would die immediately and in zero pain, I’d just do it. Go crash my car into something at high speed, maybe. If I could guarantee I’d die instantly. And I can’t guarantee that, so I’m scared to try. I have no problem with the idea of being dead. It will not matter to anyone. What I have a problem with is the idea of suffering. Being profoundly disabled with no one batting for me AND being aware of my disability and my situation would be horrible.

Even if I bought a gun I could not guarantee it would be an instant death. Plus, that would make a lot of noise and upset people because OMG Someone Has A Gun but my actual departure from a state of living would not be worthy of note. But hey, I upset people by just existing so why would I want to increase that? I’m already in the doghouse. Nah. So that’s not an option.

Though I’m tempted to acquire one at some point and just hang on to it until something happens and I know I won’t get better. Because at that point maybe I could at least inflict a serious enough head injury that I wouldn’t know I was being medically neglected and whatever else. If, y’know, I did not actually wind up dead.

ANYWAY. Thought process. Such as it is.

But there are lots of reasons I’m miserable: some of which I can’t control, like the situation with my daughter, and others of which I can control a little bit, like my living situation. Maybe if I improve the living situation, I’ll feel better about the stuff I can’t control. I don’t know, but as I haven’t tried it enough yet, I probably should attempt to find out. It’s no fun being miserable even if other people do think I enjoy it. They also think men can be women, so consider the source. I need to find reasons that being alive is okay. That’s probably the other big reason I haven’t sincerely tried to not be alive anymore. I’m not ready. Some parts of life are still good. I still enjoy things sometimes.

So! I’ve tentatively begun applying for jobs again. The idea is to find something where I’m least likely to screw up and get fired. Fear of that was a big reason I left Quantum. I was tired of feeling like I was being set up for failure. I want something relatively simple where I can look at my work and objectively say I did it right without needing a QA division to gaslight me. I have applied to be what amounts to a hospital janitor, and we’ll see if I hear back. I will probably apply at a grocery store or two in the same general geographical area, just to see what happens.

I doubt I will still be in this apartment past November. It may be they’ll let me renew the lease, but I doubt it. If that’s how things fall out, I want to move back to Clintonville.

I don’t know why, but I like Dublin. It’ll be weird leaving; Dublin has more or less supported my remaining alive for most of the past two years. But I also like Clintonville, I miss Clintonville, and the particular place I want to look at first as a possible candidate for an apartment is below $700 a month. There are a couple other places in the same general area that still fall under $900 a month. We’ll see, but hopefully the under-$700 place will have an opening and the deposit won’t be insane.

Meanwhile, I need to do more things that make me feel better too. I have some cleaning to catch up with in this place because it sat idle for six months before I moved in and the previous occupant hadn’t made much of an effort. I keep meaning to start drawing again and I keep choking. I want to make a bunch of stretch bracelets out of my bead collection and finally get that moving out of my space. (This is THE time of year to be trying to move handmade stuff. Please please let me not wait until fucking February.) I should work on my photo collection some more, even though that gets painful — right now the complete lack of order on my hard drive is one of the things sapping my energy. And so on.

You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to write this stupid post.

Oh, and, let’s see. Had that conversation with Elizabeth on the 9th? Still no email about the electric bill. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. [sits on hands]

I should probably also add a postscript about Kay, Matt’s mother. No word there. I wouldn’t have gotten mail, but no contact on Facebook either. So that’s not a thing that’s going to happen. I wonder if any of these assholes know what it’s like to be hated for no reason. I wonder if they would care.

13 September 2023

Carrie sent a message through Instagram today with pics of Dad. I guess this is the better of the two; they’re almost exactly alike.

Dad, 13 September 2023

He’s recently had a valve replacement in his heart. That bandage on his arm looks like it may be in the same place as the artificial fistula they created for his dialysis so I’m wondering if he’s getting that now too, but didn’t ask.

I sent Carrie a photo of myself back. She passed it on to Dad.

Not sure at this point if I’ll reach out. I doubt it matters.